Covering the cities of Oakley & Brentwood and the Hwy 4 Corridor, King Mogey

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

CBS-5 Interviews

Julie Watts who is currently a freelance reporter for KPIX CBS-5 in San Francisco came out to Oakley today to do a report on the Chemicals that are being leaked into Oakley's Sloughs.

I first reported on this back in April and there has been no changes in the slough.

The chemicals and items remain in the water contaminating the water run off which feeds a local farm with livestock.

Julie interviewed me today as I showed her the dead animals that were dumped in the slough along with the hot water heaters, tv's, air conditioners, tires, propane tanks, pesticide containers etc.

Her interview with me should be on the news tonight on channel 5. They eyewitness news starts at 5.

Hopefully we can make a change.

Here is the news report in case you missed it.



paddie1212 said...

Way to go King Mogey on getting the media to be involved in this horrible situation.Hopefully showing this on the news will bring it the attention it certainly needs,and finally get the place cleaned up!

Valmomfizz said...

You did a fantastic job...proud of you..:)Let us know if we can be of any help.

Anna, The Lemon Lady said...

Way to go Mogey! Still reading your blog. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Saw the story on TV and then discovered this blog. Nice job!

Anonymous said...

Is there any word of the Concord Police Officer who lived in Brentwwod and committed suicide last night.

How Tragic for all who loved him. How Tragic he felt so alone.

Anonymous said...

I'm very curious about the Concord police officer as one of the CC members is a Concord officer, it's very sad regardless. Can't find anything on any of the media outlets. Mogey?

Coach said...

So far the reports I received said it was a Oakland Officer, not a Concord officer. I am still looking into it.

There may be a confusion between this and the death of Jerry Campbell, 59, of Bethel Island whose job was rescuing stranded Delta boaters. He died Friday at 9:30 PM when his salvaging vessel dubbed "Old River" crashed into the break wall on Mare Island in the Mare Island Strait.

DA said...

uh, hey there, we're form antioch

heres my question.

i mean this stuff sucks, why dont we just get some people together and go take this stuff out?

Coach said...

The area is now clean. After the negative attention from the CBS report the City Council sped up the organization of a cleanup and were able to get it cleaned out within a couple weeks of the report. It's just too bad that it took over 5 years, a local blog and a CBS report to get them to react.