This is the place to start new chat threads. Post your ideas and opinions. Leave your comments and suggestions regarding the site. Remember without you contributing to the site and reading the posts, changes can't happen. Please take the time to read some of the other posts and comment on them as well.
damn, i thought i was going to be first on a whatever. loks like not. went to lone tree and hillside or whaever, today, nothing but shoppon malls. Where's the "lone" tree?
loooking up ingo on john marsh's claim to yor neck of the woods
Hey Anon.10:37...if all you can do is call King Mogey names,then perhaps you should not visit this site...Dah
The Broyhill Store? It's at the corner of Lone Tree and Empire. Next to Old Navy, sports Chalet and the Mervyn's that just closed down.
Thanks for your comments sticking up for Claycord. Maybe you missed the part on my page that said this site was also built by the makers of Claycord. However it is not Claycord and has different content. If you enjoy claycord read that. If you want news about Brentwood/Oakley area read mine if you wish.
Speaking of news, I heard there was a huge scandal going on over at Brentwood PD
Anon 9:33...Why don't you grow-up? Or even better go and get yourself an education,so that way, you might even learn some new vocabulary!
What kind of scandal?
Yes, please enlighten us on the scandal. - As far as Claycord is concerned, its a great site. I was even more excited when I learned (from an announcement on Claycord) that Broakley was launching. I cant wait for it to be as poplular as Claycord. I plan on visiting both sites regularly. King Mogey, I hope you dont change the format too much. Its one of the reasons why I enjoy Claycord.
Anon 8:06 are you still pissed off that Mogey posted links to your friend Matt Meza that hijacked that lady in concord? Or are you pissed that the cops are now using that information against him since it was public information and they needed no warrant.
Hi there. Just checking out what's going on around here. I see a few familiar names.
King Mogey,
I suggested to Mr. Mayor of Clacord to post a gardening post. That might be neat for your site too, since it is prime time for gardening!
Have a great day all.
-Lemon Lady of Claycord
I bet the Lemon Lady of Claycord has some really nice lemons.
Anon Grow some Balls and get a life. Also no one wants to see you on hear so bounce. Im sure a lot of women tell you that so your use to it. Time to move on.
anon 5:25 ,
You sir are a major douchebag.
I agree with Anonymous 5:25. With extra vinegar.
Anna, you do great things, and I personally welcome your posts here.
Also, I too asked for a gardening post on Claycord. Great minds think alike.
Hey, whats with all the Anonymous bullcrap? Be real men.
I sure wish I could read the earlier posts that were deleted. I love a little spice.
Yeah because "Rather be fishin" isn't anon or anything.
Yep the douchebags claiming they aren't anonymous have infected Broakley too.
Regarding the "scandal" at Brentwood PD, I heard there is an investigation regarding possible sexual misconduct by a member of the PD
Can anyone enlighten us as to what this "investigation" is that is going on at Brentwood PD? Us taxpayers want to know!
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