I decided to remove the Planting calendar since it was a little too long and based on the part of the Bay Area you are in in might not be accurate.
What I have done though is create a Gardening Forum link on the left so you can post about your gardens or experience in planting.
That way the information is coming from local sources.
Please consider any of you leftover fruit and vegetables for donation to the food bank.
What I have done though is create a Gardening Forum link on the left so you can post about your gardens or experience in planting.
That way the information is coming from local sources.
Please consider any of you leftover fruit and vegetables for donation to the food bank.
Gardening! I love it. Great seed catalogs to order - they're free!
http://www.territorialseed.com/catalog_request (800) 626-0866
http://www.burpee.com/ancillary/catalogrequest.do (800) 333-5808
Home and Garden Show 3, 4 and 5th at the Concord Sleep Train Pavilion.
Here is a link to free tickets.
Another very lovely catalog - free
About time to plant tomatoes for me. Any suggestions as far as variety?
In the past, I have had the best luck with early girls, and the little yellow pear shaped kind.
I also would like a suggestion from the master gardender as far as soil amendment. My planter has a very good mixture of organics. In the past I have used "Bumper Crop" from Morgans, but if someone has had better experience with something else, please advise.
Oh, hey lemon lady,
Any suggestions on how I can get my dwarf lime tree and mandarin orange to do well?
My lime tree finally produced a half dozen limes last year.
When should I fertilize? Should I be seeing blossoms yet? And how often should I fertilize?
Here is some info on your Dwarf Citrus Lime tree. Should answer most of your questions.
Here's some bay area info on growning tomatoes.
Hi Rather Be Fishing,
I've never grown a citrus tree, but I'm learning lots. I love our local nursery Navlet's in Clayton, Pleasant Hill, and Martinez. I'm a regular there. Not familiar what is out in Oakley area.
Try heirloom tomatoes if you can! There are some wonderful old-time unique, much more flavorful and interesting over a common variety. Order a few seed catalogs. You'd be surprised at some of the flavor differences, much to be appreciated.
A few I liked from last year - I grew about 30 different kinds of tomatoes.
Pink Caspian
San Marzano
Purple Russian
Oregon something?
Stupice is very early, medium sized, good performer and lovely branches and clusters.
If soil isn't the best, tomatoes grow well in 5-gallon pots, or take a large bag of harvest supreme and grow right in the bag. Navlet's has some demos growing right in the bags. Nothing to it, easy as pie!
Have a great weekend gardeing - or fishing! :)
Many seed catalogs can be ordered by telephone, or internet free of charge. Seed catalogs are very educational, filled with beautiful and inspiring color photographs. Children and adults love variety and learning all about gardening!
http://www.territorialseed.com/catalog_request(800) 626-0866
http://www.seedsofchange.com/garden_center/catalog_request.asp (888) 762-7333
http://www.burpee.com/ancillary/catalogrequest.do (800) 333-5808
http://gurneys.com/catalog_request_qas.asp (513) 354-1491
http://www.parkseed.com/gardening/MP/catalogrequest (800) 213-0076
http://henryfields.com/catalog_request_qas.asp (513) 354-1494
Just checking in. I've got my own blog now. I still read here too!
Happy Lemonade, and Happy Gardening!
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